Guest Post: What’s In My Bag?

Bag Exterior Edited

Wanna know what’s in my bag? My Crazy Wonderful friend Shelley has so kindly opened her blog to me today and invited me to share my secret hoarding habits, AKA the contents of my purse, with all her readers as part of her Inside My Bag Series . Come visit me here. Let me be honest for a moment…I may have cleaned out the old goldfish scattered at the bottom, and the eighteen thousand Target receipts first, but everything of importance – including a ticket – are yours for the gawking. Don’t judge me, or my 11 lipglosses. ;-)

If you’re new to Shelley’s blog (have you been living under a rock? She’s kinda a big deal, and was even published in a magazine this month!!) then you can look forward to laughing a LOT, wishing you could move into her house, and wanting to become Martha Stewart just like her. Check out some of her DIY’ing mad skills. Even her kids are adorable.

For more of her amazingness, follow her on Instagram.

XO – Samantha


  1. Way to leave me wanting more!! Off to see what’s in your bag!!

  2. Girl, you are way to kind :) Thanks so much for playing along today!!!

  3. Wickedly cute idea for a blog series!! Those twisty bobby pins are awesome, arent they??


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