It feels like forever since I’ve sat in front of my computer {eating chocolate chip & oatmeal raisin cookies…} and blogged. Ahhhh it’s good to be home!
First off, my trip was great! I got to see a bunch of friends and their littles, and I rubbed a TON of baby bumps. ALL of my girlfriends (yes, I’m being a tad dramatic) are pregnant! 5 baby bumps in total…which is actually a good thing, because that’s 5 sweet little babies that I’ll be snuggling in just a few more months. My ovaries have officially exploded, and all I say to my husband anymore is “I NEED A BABY!!!”
My SIL’s baby shower was so fun, and they revealed they are having a boy! A BOY, people. I finally get to shop for, and dress up a little man. They had been hoping for a boy, so I’m super happy for them. Camryn is going to be so excited to have a cousin. She was already talking to my SIL’s belly and giving it kisses. She kept asking her to “take the baby out”, and we were having to tell her he wasn’t ready yet.
We didn’t get home to Austin until after 1am, so Camryn and I slept in till 10, and then spent the day relaxing and enjoying the beautiful 80 degree Austin weather. What a nice change from the grey and cold weather we had in Washington!
How darling is this Mason and The Tambourine dress!
…and these M&TT leggings.
Our dog Aly is pretty happy to have us home too. Camryn has been giving her kisses and hugs all day.
Thank you all for being patient while I was away. I had planned on blogging and posting vacay pics all week, but travelling solo with a toddler requires a lot of stuff, and my laptop wasn’t going to fit in my carry-on. I had to rely on my FIL’s computer and my husbands macbook, and it just didn’t work out like I had planned.
Speaking of travelling with a toddler, I remembered to snap a pic of the things I pack in my carry-on bag for all of you who have been asking for tips. I’ll put together a post soon. After 4 countries and countless plane rides, I’ve come up with a system that works really well for us.
XO – Samantha