Hi, I’m Kristen!
I’m a 20-something student, intern, fashion lover, daughter, little sister, best friend, and author of Style by Kristen Blair. I am a lover of all things, clothes, shoes, and accessories… Basically anything fashion related. You name it, I probably love it. I am a senior marketing major at James Madison University, and I am hoping to get a job somewhere in the fashion industry after graduation in May! I started blogging as a requirement for a class, but after the class ended I kept going in hopes of sharing my love of fashion with the world. I live in Northern Virginia, but I am hoping to move to New York City (my favorite place in all of the land…) after graduation! If you want to learn more about me and my blog, stop by and visit at http://kristenblair.com!
1. In 10 words or less, describe yourself.
Sister, Daughter, Best Friend, Fashion Lover, Outgoing, Goofy, Workout Fanatic
New York City. When I was 6 years old my family went on a road trip and each on of us got to pick a place that we wanted to go on the east coast. Well, I picked New York City. When we were there we were on the Staten Island ferry, I remember looking up at my dad and saying “Daddy, I’m gonna live here one day…” and ever since then I have known that was where I wanted to live.
Living in the city for 7 weeks this summer while interning at a fashion PR firm really was a dream come true. It was one of the best 7 weeks of my life and it only made me all the more excited about the possibility of one day calling the city my home. (Also, chasing a career in fashion, that is really where I need to live… So, I’m hoping that after graduation in May I can go home and work for the summer, save as much money as I possibly can, and then make the big move!)
3. “If I were a pair of shoes, I’d be…”
Jimmy Choo black patent leather pumps. They are just a timeless classic that everyone should have in their closet! They really are a staple… My black pumps are one of my most frequently worn shoes that I own. I would be Jimmy Choo because he is my favorite shoe designer… (My goal is to be able to buy a brand new pair of Jimmy Choos and wear them on the first day of my big girl job after college! … A girl can dream!)
4. What beauty product can’t you live without?
Granier BB Cream. Where to even begin?! This stuff is absolutely amazing… every girl needs to at least try it. I promise you will love it. It is basically a tinted moisturizer, but it does so much more than the average moisturizer. In addition to moisturizing, it also mattifies your skin tone, minimizes pores and conceals imperfections to give your skin a smooth, matte, flawless finish.” Pretty much the only place I don’t wear BB cream is to the gym!
5. Why did you start blogging?
Read all about how I got started here. (http://kristenblair.com/about)